Rosetree has been active in project work over the past ten years and continues to look for partner projects that meet our goals of increasing nutrient use efficiency, improving farm profitability for our clients, and incentivizing them to try new practices. We encourage participation in these programs and ask that you challenge us to find new projects that interest you. Here is a summary of our active projects that you may be able to participate in. More information on these projects is available on our website. Talk to your RtC Consultant if you’re interested in participating!
Rosetree’s Farm Forward Project: We are starting a small on-farm testing group focused on improving soybean yields through data-driven decisions. The FarmForward project will be limited to 6 farms. Each farm will be asked to meet a few times throughout the year as a group to decide what products to test and share information on testing results. The goal is for this group to work together long-term to build a soybean production system that increases yield & profitability. No yield data or production information from this group will be shared outside the FarmForward project. Participants would need the ability to collect yield data & the willingness to work collaboratively with other farms.
Split-Nitrogen Project: 2024 is the last year for this project, and there are some exciting changes! This project started as an incentive program to encourage the adoption of split-nitrogen applications, reimbursing farms $15/Acre to adopt a new split application. Farms that did not side-dress corn could experiment with side-dressing, while other farms experimented with various broadcast and foliar split applications. Since 2021, we’ve done this project on over 12,000 acres with an average yield increase of 18.5 bushels per acre! New for this year is an increased payment rate to $20/A and including biological products, like PivotBio, in the program. We’re looking for 7,000 acres in 2024. Participants must be located in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
- Precision Ag Nitrogen Modeling on Manured Acres: This project aims to overlay advanced nitrogen management practices on acres where manure is injected. We use a Nitrogen Modeling Platform, Adapt-N, to model nitrogen availability & loss from your soils based on the management you use. The model can be used to calculate side-dress rates (flat rate or variable rate), or it can be
used to monitor late-season nitrogen levels during grain fill. Our goal is to explore Precision Ag Modeling as a tool to reduce nitrogen fertilizer rates on manured acres & save our customers money. It is open to all acres that receive manure. However, injected acres are prioritized. This project is open to any farm located in an EPA-designated Chesapeake Bay Most Effective Basin Watershed. The 2023 End of Year Report can be found here.
- East Cocalico Township Water Authority (Lancaster County): This project allows Rosetree Agronomist Jason LePage to provide agronomic services to farms in the East Cocalico Township’s wellhead protection zones. The township has seen increases in groundwater nitrate levels that are affecting residents’ drinking water quality. The goal is to implement in-field best management practices that reduce nitrate loss from cropland, reducing the chances of excess nitrogen leaching into shallow groundwater supplies.
Mid-Atlantic 4R Precision Ag Voucher: The Mid-Atlantic 4R Association has vouchers available, $1,000 each, for farms to manage their Precision Ag data and bring it to a place where decisions can be made. We’re using this voucher in a few ways — importing yield data for multi-year yield analysis, assessing N.D.V.I. imagery layers for developing zones, overlaying manure application setbacks on yield data & soil testing layers, and more. It’s been a great tool for allowing our agronomists to have in-depth conversations on data management and logically develop your next step in precision Ag with your success in mind. No implementation is required through this voucher, but you may be asked to participate in an interview with a social scientist from the University of Maryland. Open to any farm located in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
We have a few more projects in the pipeline, and will share them with you as soon as we are able! In the meantime, contact Rosetree Consulting for your agronomic and farming needs.