Manure Injection Equipment Cost Share (Manure Injection Partnership)


Injection Equipment Cost Share

This is a 2-part project.  Farms can participate in one or both of the project pillars.

Injection Equipment Cost Share

If you are a manure hauler considering purchasing manure injection equipment, this is the project for you.  Rosetree Consulting, as part of the Manure Injection Partnership, is looking to help cost-share injection equipment for haulers and farms operating within the Chesapeake Bay watershed.  Individuals can contract with the Partnership to reserve funds for 1-3 years.  As manure injection occurs, the hauler provides receipts to the Partnership for reimbursement and receives funds to help offset the cost of their injection equipment.  The Manure Injection Partnership includes Sustainable Chesapeake, PA4R Nutrient Stewardship Alliance, Penn State, and many more organizations that advocate for manure injection & advanced nutrient management throughout PA.

Advanced Nitrogen Management

Do you want to determine how much nitrogen your corn crop gets from the manure you inject?  We can help.  Work with a Rosetree Agronomist to implement adaptive nitrogen management on your farm.  Adaptive management can look different on every farm — for some, it’s a variable rate prescription overlayed on manure applications; for some, it’s flat rate nitrogen recommendations based on a nitrogen modeling tool; and for others, it’s a PSNT test taken before side-dress.  Whatever level of technology you have, if you inject manure, we can help fine-tune your nitrogen fertilizer needs!