Rosetree’s Full-Service Crop Scouting Services can identify yield-limiting issues before losses occur. Our scouting service aims to drive yield, educate our clients on field conditions (pest pressure, soil conditions, and visual signs of nutrient deficiencies), and provide information that allows for more informed decisions and actions. Crop Scouting includes bi-weekly scouting during critical growth stages for field crops like corn, soybeans, wheat, & alfalfa, and more intensive weekly scouting for vegetable crops like sweet corn, cucurbits & cole crops. Customers receive a scouting report and recommended actions based on each visit’s findings delivered to the customer.

A successful farmer-consultant relationship is built on trust and familiarity. That’s why we do our very best to have the same consultant visit your operation on the same day of the week (weather permitting) throughout the growing season. The ability for your consultant to see field changes throughout the season and understand how each client prefers to receive communication and follow-up helps ensure success for both parties. This relationship also leads to open conversations on managing costs, positioning new products, modifying production practices, and overcoming production barriers.
In addition to the scouting service detailed above, our Full-Service Crop Scouting also includes all Basic Soil Testing & Farm Planning service items (soil testing ½ of fields annually, in-person planning meetings, GIS-developed maps, written Annual Crop Management Report)
Optional Service Add-ons:
- FieldAlytics Mobile (FA Mobile) app. FA Mobile, available to iOS (Apple) users, allows RtC agronomists to directly communicate scouting notes, pictures, and spray recommendations to customers through the app. Soil test results, manure records, spray records, and satellite imagery are available in the app.
- Plant analysis during key growth stages to identify nutrient deficiencies & imbalances
- Satellite-based plant health imagery to search out and pinpoint problem areas
- Surface pH testing & nutrient stratification testing (for continuous no-till operations)
- Subsurface acidity testing (for gypsum applications)
- Micronutrient Soil analysis
- Manure or Nutrient Management recordkeeping for Act 38 Nutrient Management Plan or Manure Management Plan requirements
- Additional fields (beyond ½ of your acreage) can be sampled by request